
Content and context

The Leading Learning Annual Symposium is a unique two-day event designed specifically for leaders in the business of lifelong learning, continuing education, and professional development. The goal of the event is to help you maximize the reach, revenue, and impact of your education business.

Through high-value engagement with expert practitioners and peers, participants will strengthen the critical knowledge and skills needed for leading growing, thriving education programs in the 21st century. Our focus will be specifically on lifelong learning as a business. Attendees will be individuals like you who have strategic and/or financial responsibility for the success of their organization’s education business.


We’ve the 2016 program dynamically and in collaboration with the advisors and registrants, as we did for last year’s symposium. This process ensures that the content of the symposium is as tightly aligned with your current and emerging needs as possible—a claim very few other events can credibly make. View the 2016 symposium schedule.

In addition to the events and learning activities described in the schedule, such as Content Pods™ (short, focused content presentations) and App Labs™ (in-depth applied-learning opportunities, in which attendees work collaboratively with peers and faculty members to solve a problem or develop innovative approaches to situations highly relevant to their everyday work), we anticipate adding extemporaneous program items. A hot seat allows an attendee to present a challenge or opportunity she’s facing to the group and get rapid feedback and advice. Ten-minute talks provide a structured way for attendees to share about a learning project or initiative that may offer other learners ideas to apply in their own organizations.

Informative, Inspirational

A Learner-Based Experience