Community Assembly and Priming Activity

Celisa Steele
Jeff Cobb
Monday, October 24, 2016
09:00 - 10:00
Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore

Community Assembly and Priming Activity

The symposium kicks off with community assembly facilitated by Jeff Cobb and Celisa Steele. They’ll provide a briefing on the state of the lifelong learning market and critical trends, organized around the three overarching themes of the conference: reach, revenue, and impact. They’ll also introduce a maturity model for the business of lifelong learning. That model will provide a framework for attendees’ engagement at the symposium and the basis for action back at the office.

A brief priming activity will provide focus for the two days and help start meaningful connection among attendees.


The state of the market will clarify the context for the symposium and the work attendees do in their organizations. Calling out the themes (reach, revenue, and impact) will help attendees be attuned to them as the symposium progresses.

The priming activity starts the symposium off not by talking about the importance of active learning and social learning but by doing.

Ralph Gaillard, chief learning director at the Illinois CPA Society, participates in the priming activity at the 2015 Leading Learning Symposium.

Ralph Gaillard, chief learning director at the Illinois CPA Society, participates in the priming activity at the 2015 Leading Learning Symposium.